Multi-Vendor Networks Require Open Thinking and Collaborative Working
In response to growing customer expectations, service providers are changing the way they think about networking. Emerging services like 5G and ultra high definition video will require more bandwidth, speed and agility than many networks can currently support. Service providers are realising that th…
Finding a Trusted Partner to Support Your Network Transformation
Telecom and web Service providers are facing unprecedented challenges. And to address them, they’re transforming the way their networks operate. The rise of offerings like 5G and ultra high definition video is changing customer expectations. In coming years, people will expect to access services lik…
Paving the Way for Network Transformation
Service providers today are facing serious challenges. Developments like 5G and ultra high definition video are putting them under growing pressure to supply large bandwidths, fast speeds and low latencies. To address this, providers are realising that they can operate their networks more efficientl…
How Telecom and IT service providers can avoid hitting the buffers?
No one can deny that the internet is now integral to the way people work and relax. We spend hours streaming videos on services like Netflix and Youtube. And we consult Google on every possible question from where to go on holiday, to the latest news, to the meaning of life. But as online services b…
Telecom Operators: Two Ways to Transform Your Network
Service providers looking to develop more efficient network infrastructures have two key technology options. How can they decide which is best? The way we use the internet is changing. The huge popularity of video streaming services, as well as the growing uptake of trends like wearable technology a…
Why is the role of the data centre changing?
Service providers and telecommunications companies are always facing new possibilities and new challenges. And the stakes are getting higher all the time. Developments like the internet of things, 5G, and ultra-high definition video are creating exciting business opportunities. But they’re also lead…